More than just spies . . .

PSI TECH was a consultant to the White House. In late 1991, during the Gulf War, PSI TECH provided intelligence on Saddam Hussein to the National Security Council and located Iraq’s hidden biological warfare stockpiles for the United Nations. These endeavors earned PSI TECH the attention of the world press. 

 We have come a long way since those early days in military intelligence. Today PSI TECH offers its government clients access to mission critical strategic planning information when they need it – to make the right decisions, and find out things previously unobtainable using traditional intelligence collection.

Law Enforcement Projects

We have worked missing persons, homicide investigations, internal affairs matters. Training FBI and intelligence officers.

Unsolved Cases

Cold cases can be solved by reconstructing crime scenes. By knowing culpability of suspects, examining new witnesses and uncovering evidence, convictions even years after an event are still possible.

Threat Assessment

Knowing the next big threat or attack and tracking known enemy plans provides a powerful intelligence edge.

No More Secrets

Knowing what your adversaries are thinking along with the content of their secrets can go a long way to making an outcome turn out the way you want. Useful in diplomatic negotiations and finding ways to solve problems totally outside the box.

Free White Paper/ R.F.I.

Discover how TRV works and how you can use this amazing intelligence tool to solve most any problem. Fill out the brief Questionnaire and tell us what you’d like to know. We’ll send you our information kit along with a proposal.
