"The secret of highly successful people Is their ability to make consistently good choices. PSI TECH can help you KNOW (in advance) the best possible direction to take."
How To Hire Us
“What do you want to know?” is always the first question we ask a new client. If you can describe “what you want to know”, in a precise sentence or two, we can likely create a target to find the answers for you. After 30 years of doing this work we have encountered most every kind of project request — from strange medical mysteries, to oil well drilling trajectories or the “next” most profitable innovation for a Fortune 500 company.
There are a few limitations but not many and we will tell you up front what we can or cannot access – information wise, and how we will approach your specific requirements.
When you are ready to initiate a project – fill out our RFI (Request For Information) questionnaire, and we will send you our information kit, project engagement letter and fee proposal.
Assuming we mutually agree to proceed with the engagement these are the phases of the project:
PHASE 1: Preliminary Consultation (Define Objectives & Establish Targeting Parameters)
PHASE 2: Project Session Work (The Team Gathers Information & Conducts Data Analysis)
PHASE 3: Report Generation (Report Is Written And Delivered)
PHASE 4: Consultation and Review (The Project Manager Reviews The Data With You)
These phases occur for every project though the effort spent in each phase may vary greatly depending on the complexity of the project. Often an initial data-set creates more questions that warrant further investigation and study. Though rare – some projects may involve travel to the client location or to places that require field work and human intelligence collection.
Tell Us About You & Get our Information kit and a proposal click on image
Once we receive your information request we will reach out and let you know if we can take on the project and then send a proposal and fee quote. For immediate assistance, or if you have questions please email us – [email protected]

Our Standards and Business Philosophy
PROMISE: We promise to deliver top-notch intelligence, analysis, problem solving and creative services, beyond the scope of anything you thought was ever possible.
QUALITY: We charge a fair cost for what we will deliver. You must be satisfied with the quality of our work (independent of the outcome of your data) or you do not owe a fee.
HONOR: As a corporate citizen, we will act in the community with the highest moral principles that we expect others to follow.
SUCCESS: We know that your success and our success depend entirely upon our integrity and skill.
CLIENTS: We will treat each client as if our entire firm depends upon that client’s highest degree of satisfaction with our services.
TEAM: We recognize each team member as a business partner in spirit. Our firm’s success depends entirely upon each team member’s satisfaction with his or her job and reflects on their output.
Project retainer and report fees can be paid here

Project & Service Fees
What does a PSI TECH Project Cost?
From a fees standpoint – you can expect to pay what it costs to hire a top level law firm. Most projects can be accomplished within a fixed cost fee, (like an optimum trajectory study) but some projects by their very nature are ongoing, and will need to be based on an hourly or monthly fee with a retainer arrangement. We endeavor to structure our fees to incent the outcomes you want. No client wants to buy hours – and so we try to avoid hourly billing whenever possible.
There are three things you should know when evaluating the cost-benefit of hiring us.
1) It’s about results. Results not effort is what you are are paying us for. We understand this and that is our entire focus.
2) Our services are highly specialized, involving skills that have been refined over three decades. There is no other group in the world that can perform at our level pf proficiency or produce the accuracy to obtain the answers you seek. That’s the reason why our unique approach to problem solving is valuable and why we charge what we do. Considering the deliverable’s, the cost for an optimum solution is very inexpensive.
3) We are capacity constrained and limited in the amount of new cases we can take on. We are careful about accepting new clients and want to make certain we are a good “fit” for the job. As such we don’t accept every project assignment and are selective about our work.
To initiate a project you will be asked to sign an Project Engagement Letter which is our understanding of how we will proceed with our services and what you can expect in terms of fees and fulfillment of the project assignment. Please review a copy of these terms here.
When you send in your RFI (Request for Information) – take the time to answer all the questions and let us know exactly what you expect to accomplish. We will get back with a proposal and quote (usually within 3 days), along with an information kit on how we will work your project.